Stay in Qingshan and win the future! The report on the work
Views: time:2020-05-25 14:19
On May 22, the third session of the 13th National People's Congress opened in the Great Hall of the people. Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council, stressed in the report on the work of the government that more efforts should be made to implement macro policies to stabilize enterprises and ensure employment. To ensure employment and people's livelihood, we must stabilize hundreds of millions of market players and try our best to help enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and individual businesses to tide over difficulties. The report attracted the industry's keen attention.
Focus 1:
Resolutely implement the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction to enterprises
One of the measures to stabilize the employment of enterprises is to increase tax reduction and reduce fees. The report said that we should strengthen phased policies, combine them with institutional arrangements, release water and raise fish, and help market players to rescue and develop. This year, we will continue to implement systems such as the reduction of value-added tax rate and enterprise endowment insurance rate, and increase tax cuts and reduce fees by about 500 billion yuan. In the early stage, the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction due before June was introduced, including exemption from the payment of small and medium-sized enterprises' endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance units, reduction of small-scale taxpayers' value-added tax, exemption from value-added tax on public transport, catering and accommodation, tourism and entertainment, culture and sports and other services, reduction and exemption of Civil Aviation Development Fund and port construction fees. The implementation period was all extended to the end of this year. The payment of income tax for small and micro enterprises and individual businesses will be postponed to next year. It is expected to reduce the burden for enterprises by more than 2.5 trillion yuan in the whole year. We should resolutely implement the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction to enterprises, save the green hills and win the future.
Feng Lizhao, deputy of the National People's Congress and Hengsheng textile branch of Shijiazhuang Changshan Beiming Technology Co., Ltd., proposed that the local government should study and introduce measures such as reducing the land use tax, and exchange the "addition" of enterprises through the "subtraction" of finance. By further reducing various tax burdens of real enterprises, reducing the operating costs of enterprises, broadening the profit space of enterprises, creating favorable conditions for scientific development, innovative development and high-quality development of enterprises.
Focus 2:
Let the cost of comprehensive financing decrease significantly
Strengthening financial support to stabilize enterprises is also the focus of government measures. According to the report, the loan extension policy for small and medium-sized micro enterprises will be extended to the end of March next year. The loan extension for inclusive small and micro enterprises should be extended as long as possible, and the loan extension for other difficult enterprises should be negotiated. Encourage banks to substantially increase credit loans, first loans and non repayment loans for small and micro enterprises. Greatly expand the coverage of government financing guarantee and significantly reduce the rate. The loan growth rate of inclusive small and micro enterprises of large commercial banks is higher than 40%. Support enterprises to expand bond financing. Strengthen supervision and prevent arbitrage of "idle transfer" of funds. Financial institutions and loan enterprises coexist and prosper, and encourage banks to make reasonable profits. In order to protect the main body of the market, we must make the loan availability of small and medium-sized micro enterprises significantly improved and the comprehensive financing cost significantly reduced.
Feng Li Chao suggested that for enterprises with normal operation and competitive products and services market, "non repayment of principal and loan extension" should be implemented to reduce the hidden financing cost brought to enterprises by borrowing new and returning old, relieve the capital pressure of real economy enterprises, hedge the impact of epidemic situation, help enterprises to tide over difficulties and recover their vitality, and more effectively promote the economic and social development to enter the normal track in an all-round way. In addition, the purpose of the loan is not limited to the purchase of raw materials. It is allowed to pay wages, insurance, water, electricity and gas fees, taxes, etc. It not only brings convenience to the borrower, but also helps to strengthen the supervision of the loan funds.
Focus 3:
Promote the upgrading of manufacturing industry
China's manufacturing industry has played a huge role in this anti epidemic campaign. The report proposes to promote the upgrading of manufacturing industry and the development of emerging industries. Substantially increase medium and long-term loans to manufacturing industry. Develop industrial Internet and promote intelligent manufacturing. The new formats of e-commerce, online shopping and online services have played an important role in the fight against epidemic diseases. We should continue to introduce support policies, comprehensively promote the "Internet plus", and create a new advantage in digital economy.
Xia Changliang, member of the CPPCC National Committee and President of Tianjin University of technology, proposed that in the future, we should seize the opportunity of industrial digitalization and focus on building an Internet platform and a big data center for the textile industry. Build an industrial Internet platform across the textile industry, realize the aggregation and sharing of industrial manufacturing resources, build a digital hub of the industry, build a big data center of the textile industry, and promote the digital transformation of the industry.
Affected by the epidemic, the role of e-commerce is prominent. Qiu Guanghe, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Wenzhou Senma clothing, said he hoped that the relevant government departments would launch phased user flow support policies based on the actual situation of the textile and clothing industry, so as to reduce the e-commerce operation cost of enterprises. In addition, local governments at all levels shall issue e-commerce business support policies, strengthen the construction and promotion of e-commerce public service platforms in all regions, provide services and guidance to enterprises whose foreign trade is transferred to domestic sales, including enterprises whose textile and clothing innovation is included, and the government shall subsidize the use cost of e-commerce platforms for enterprises' online sales.
Focus 4:
Improve residents' willingness and ability to consume
In view of the domestic demand, the report proposes to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, promote the transformation of economic development mode and accelerate the transformation of China's domestic demand potential, deepen the supply side structural reform, highlight the people's livelihood orientation, and effectively combine and promote consumption and investment expansion. Promote the recovery of consumption. We will ensure people's livelihood by stabilizing employment, increasing incomes, and improving residents' willingness and ability to consume.
Shao Changjin, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Bailu investment group in Xinxiang, Henan Province, suggested that the government, with the help of the National Rural Revitalization Strategy, issue specific consumption vouchers to rural residents, including textile and clothing, white household appliances, etc., to guide and support the upgrading of rural residents' consumption, activate the rural market, expand domestic demand and smooth production and consumption

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